Farm Life Wild Turkeys with our Goats I took some pictures this morning of the wild turkeys in with the goats ♥ ll
Farm Life Quick picture post of Critters :) I know you feel like I do right now from time to time. Like you have more things to do…
Farm Life Pictures of our GOATS on a Summer day Here are some fun pictures of our goats on this fun filled summer day, July 11, 2016. This summer seems…
Farm Life We have a Baby Goat Palaplooza We have baby goats right and left. I could not find a definition for the word Palaplooza but in our…
Farm Life March 4, 2016 Pictures of Farm ‘Critters’ I just took a bunch of pictures this morning and I wanted to share the farm with you. It is…
Farm Life Winter 2016 Here at the Farm I wanted to share some pictures of the babies we are having here at April Fool Farm. I hope you…
Farm Life Farm life – new babies Month of May 2015 Here it is May 2015 and we have eight new baby goats. Five males and three females. They are so…
Farm Life We had Babies in the Snow :) We had babies during the last snowstorm. It was quite a shock. I know what a lot of you will…