Farm Life Hero our three legged goat How Hero came to us is a small tale in itself. I was at the auction by myself for the…
Farm Life Pictures of our GOATS on a Summer day Here are some fun pictures of our goats on this fun filled summer day, July 11, 2016. This summer seems…
Farm Life Everyone Welcome Atticus We had a very unique Dairy goat Buck born here on the farm March 22, 2016. He is named Atticus…
Farm Life We have a Baby Goat Palaplooza We have baby goats right and left. I could not find a definition for the word Palaplooza but in our…
Farm Life Ziva and Fred (the baby goat) We had some baby goats born here at the farm on March 9, 2016. I can not tell you how…
Farm Life Its a baby goat festival. We love our babies. Videos Here it is a new year and we have baby goats being born. We have had four goats have babies since…
Farm Life Farm Life Pictures Some pictures around the farm ♥ ♥ ♥ Ducks just make me smile. Peacocks enjoying the day Pictures of the…
Farm Life PICTURES OF ANIMALS ON THE FARM PICTURES TAKEN FEBRUARY 6, 2014 Scripture from NIV Study Bible John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the…
Farm Life New Babies to the Homestead :) We have a few new additions to the homestead. First off we have a lovely New Zealand Rabbit named Sweetie.…