How Hero came to us is a small tale in itself. I was at the auction by myself for the first time. Now this was quite a feat for me, I find they talk so fast that I either try to bid to soon or to late. Yet here I was taking on the ‘fear’ of bidding at an auction alone. I stayed to almost the very end when this little guy came out. He had broken his leg while unloading at the auction house. I felt so sorry for him that I bided and of course got him. If you know goats they can go down quickly. I mean quickly. I told myself that if this goat was going to pass on I would give it a comfortable place to go not in a trailer with a lot of other goats pressing against his leg and causing him unknown pain. We set his leg and than reset it a couple of days later. Six weeks after that I checked it. He had re broke it. I started him on antibiotics and reset it. In a few days I knew he needed to go to the vet. Well the vet was good to us and amputated his leg. ( still unsure if he would survive ) He did and wonderfully.
If you are wondering why he is called Hero Every day I would go out to him and say, ” You are my Hero, keep trying “
Hero has taken to Ziva with a passion wanting her attention over mine.
When you look at these pictures you will see he still has the sticker from the auction and it has been three months. They must use some awesome glue.
