Our first peachick is doing wonderful. So imagine how happy we are that we have another peachick. This little one hatched yesterday and it is from our pre-Madonna girl Jay-lo. It looks very different.
I just cant tell you how exciting this is. We are doing so much better this year. It only goes to prove just stick with it and never give up. We will get even better with each year.
The wildest thing happened yesterday along with our little chick – Scar laid another egg. This was over two weeks after the last egg was laid by either female. Now she went and laid it in the goat pen with all the young goats. It was no surprise that the goats broke it. Such a shame.
First pictures of our new addition- but we are not out of the woods yet. we have moved it to the brooding box so the next 48 hours are critical. One week in our odds go up dramatically. No matter what this is great news.